Saturday, January 9, 2010

Old Dreams Part Tres


so, it was the day before the 2nd semester. in this dreamworld, there was no break between when first and second semester were, and people weren't sure of exactly when the switch was. now, in reality my classes are not even similar but here they were mirroring times. so it was 8:30 class time, and i was walking to Fehy Hall, where my new class was. then, i started worrying about whther or not it was the right day, so i hurried up. i was however carrying two of my laptop bag, one somewhat heavier than the other. as i walked i tried different ways of putting them on (across my shoulders in an x, yelling that i was wolverine, for one), and then startd thinking of names for myself because of my massive strenrgth. i decided eventually on "master luggagemason". I finally got to Fehy, which was now was a chapel, and hurried inside. i was stopped, however, by Alec Baldwin, who was taking pictures. He thought his camera (a digital SLR), was a video camera and wouldn't let me walk through the shot. eventually, i tired of this and walked through anwyay. my head was "in the frame" and he started freaking out because my "hair was too thick for video", and he started freaking out about how his camera was going to break. then, i walked downstairs to where my class apparently was in the hallway of my oral comm class. so i opened the door.

WARNING. This shit's about to get very weird and kind of vulgar.

So when I opened the door, I was in a yellow school bus. i sat down next to a girl from school (yes, I know who it is, but i think the person does not like me and i don;t really talk to her ever which makes this weirder o_O). we start chit chatting and i'm wondering what day it is for classes, first or second semester. she starts screaming for people if they know, so i moved back a little bit. then she tells me "let me ask my boyfriend, he would know. anyone i would let fuck me in the ear would surely know", followed up with "shit, we might have broken up though. i might have a new boyfriend." I move farther back now because I am freaked out about what she just said, but then she wants me to see her new earring. so we resume discussing classes and i see that her earring goes in one end and does not come out. she tells me she is "gauging her ear for more ear fucking" (i know the logistics of this do not make sense), to which i merely ask "how the hell do you get that in there?" she then follows up by taking out a white circle with a hole in the middle and blue on one side, and yanks out her earring. she licks the blue side and her earring, and starts telling me a story of a bet she made with her boyfriend. the bet was that if he could lick the entire blue side in one try, "she would... *giggle*". and i reply with "wait, what would you do?" this goes back and forth, and she finally goes "let him fuck me in the ear!" i finally get freaked out and yell "who the fuck does that!? that's repulsive!" and i say normally "plus doesn't it hurt?" she replied to me "it's just very loud".

so i took out my laptop, moved the hell away from her, and started watching collegehumor videos, which i all thought sucked.

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