Saturday, January 9, 2010

Old Dreams Part 1


i was annoying jess kohler in jubilee hall. she said she was going to tell security on me, i kept pestering her. she eventually actually does, i freak out and run. noticeably, i wall slide down the wall on the side of the jubilee steps, thinking I'm awesome. i can hear jess yelling at me but I keep running. they need my ID to get me in trouble, so running will keep me safe. the reason why they need my ID is because it has answers to personal things on it. i pass jess camp on my way to AQ, where I know I have to be because they'll expect me to be in boland.
"well, does she know if you're circumcised or not? says jess camp, "because that's how they make sure they have the right person." me, sure tht jess kohler does not know the state of my penis, keep running. I send desiree a text message but immediately decide this is not quick enough and i call her. i hop somesort of fence while calling, she does not pick up. i decide AQ is my only option still. I run into the building and decide to start seeing if random doors are unlocked. I find one that is, and decide the best place of hiding is in the bathroom. i lock myself in. being in a bathroom, i decide i need to take a crap. while crapping, someone comes into the room, and I start freaking out. this person, a man named cody(?) intiates a conversation with me whilst i am using using his toilet. however, i apparently sound like one of his friends, so i go about my business normally. when leaving the bathroom, he notices i am not his friend. i explain to him my situation and how des did not pick up her phone.
"psh, that's just like des," he says, and we procede to sit down and play video games.

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